April 27, 2023

Kojo's Automated Invoice Matching works for all invoices

Kojo founder Maria Davidson presents at SMACNA 2023

Kojo’s Automated Invoice Matching compares your invoices to your POs and deliveries, flagging errors so that you never pay an incorrect invoice. It also integrates with your accounting system, so there’s not need to manually enter an invoice ever again.

This tool is powerful for materials invoices but is designed for all invoices, not just the materials’ ones. Since you can upload any invoice, review and approve it, and then upload it into your accounting system, you can replace your current system and use Kojo for all of your payables.

"Kojo's invoice reconciliation feature enables our accounting team to verify invoice accuracy without needing to involve the project managers - all the information we need is right there. We can approve invoices faster and it frees up the project managers' time. Our invoice approval process is truly much more efficient for accounting.” - Cathy Boso, Controller at James Babcock, Inc.

Here’s how our Automated Invoice Matching product supports this:

Easier than ever to get invoices into Kojo

  • Kojo creates a unique email address for your company. Any invoice attachment sent to this address are automatically uploaded and scanned into Kojo.
  • This address can be given to any of your vendors for them to email invoices directly
  • Or, if invoices are already being sent to a centralized inbox, we recommend setting up a forwarding rule to your new Kojo email address. That way, you don’t have to change any process with your vendors, you still have the original copy of the invoice in your inbox, and the invoices are automatically scanning into Kojo.

Cost codes pulled in, even without a PO!

  • Kojo integrates with your accounting system and pulls in the cost codes you have configured.
  • When you receive invoices for non-material purchases, like for equipment rentals or labor, Kojo makes it possible for you to select the correct cost codes even without a linked PO.

All supporting documents can be linked to the invoice in Kojo

  • Soon you will be able to all attach all supporting documents to your invoice in Kojo.
  • This can even include PO’s that did not originate inside Kojo!
  • AP staff can centralize all the information they need related to paying an invoice.

Seamlessly get your invoice data into your accounting system

  • No more manual entry of invoice information into your accounting system!
  • With the click of a button, Kojo pushes your invoices directly into your accounting system.

Coming Soon! Approvals and Payments in Kojo

  • Invoices can be reviewed and signed off on by team members who need to approve them!
  • Once your invoice has been reconciled and approved final payment to your vendors can be made through Kojo. Your entire AP process in Kojo, streamlined and centralized.

To see how this works, schedule a demo with Kojo today.

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